October 2nd marked the closing of the federal Government's consultation period on changes to small business taxation. Between the challenges posed by Bill 148 in Ontario (in second reading),and the Federal consultation period, it has been unusually active summer on legislative issues that post a threat to the prosperity and operations of so many APCC members.
The APCC submitted a response to the Federal Consultation, and you can find a copy of it HERE, as posted on our website.
We would also like to share a referral by a current APCC member to the open knowledge portal posted by Moodys Gartner Tax Law LLP , a tax oriented law firm that has been very active on the small business tax change issue. They offer an expert practitioner's view on both the impact of the changes, as well as the integrity of the consultation process, and have shared a great deal of this work open to the public, including this July 18th, 2017 presentation.
While the official Department of Finance consultation period is closed, the conversation on this legislation is not yet concluded. This is the time to continue the conversation with your local Member of Parliament, and we encourage you to engage in at least two further rounds of dialogue. The first round should occur now, with a view of eliciting their support to influence the government’s ‘response’ to the consultation period. Click Here to view a letter template with some sample messages to be sent to your MP.
The second round should occur once the final draft legislation is presented by the Department of Finance, with an emphasis on ‘how do you intend to vote?’ as the core message. As ever, the APCC is determined to be an effective representative of your interests in government affairs and legislative issues. To that end, we have included a Short Survey Here so that we can better understand the position of our membership on these issues, and refine our policy position accordingly.
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Federal Government Submissions
*New* APCC 2017 response to Finance, Canada Consultation: Tax Planning Using Private Corporations