Mission and History

Our Mission

The APCC is a not-for-profit professional association committed to promoting the interest of independent IT and tech consultants by expanding membership services and providing a forum for idea exchange, professional development, and industry advocacy.


In 1985 The Association of Professional Computer Consultants (APCC) was conceived as a vehicle through which the interests of independent contractors could be promoted and represented. Up until APCC’s formation, group insurance benefits had been denied to independent contractors because they were not affiliated with a group. While some companies tried to help its contractors by offering group plans, coverage continuity was lacking because agencies could not guarantee the next contract. This meant that contractors were forced to choose between the continuity of the group plans and the acceptance of assignments with another agency when their current agency came up dry. In addition, the companies administering a benefits plan for their contractors created a close employment relationship that could raise co-employment concerns.

The APCC responded to the challenge and offered a program which was independent of the agency with the continuity of insurance plans being under the direct control of the contractor. Commonly over the years, as health issues have arisen insured association members retained access to coverage which would not have been available to them had they been forced to re-qualify.

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APCC Members enjoy a wide range of benefits, including group insurance rates, special discounts, educational seminars and workshops, and networking opportunities.

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