As you may have noticed, we've got a whole new look for our site! Here we will share our latest news and research about the issues that matter most to you. Here, we will be offering our insights and commentary on everything that's happening in the Independent Contractor (IC) community, making our value clear to all of our members.
We know it is important to stay informed in this business - our website's new design approach is intended to make it easier for you to access important news and research and resources related to issues such as personal service businesses, social security and other IC areas of interest. That said, this new website still includes all of the information you need to access the valuable insurance and benefits programs offered by the APCC in partnership with a trusted broker.
The APCC continues to be committed to promoting the interest of Independent Contractors in Canada by expanding membership services as well as providing a forum for idea exchange, professional development, and industry advocacy. So while our online presence may look a little different, we are the same APPC you've been a member with for years.